What are heart-centered currencies?

Can money inspire collaboration instead of competition?

Seeking for freedom
There's been much hype lately about cryptocurrencies, with their up's and down's, and the "freedom" they bring.
We're here to build a slightly different kind of freedom.
We study, support and create forms of exchange that enliven the human spirit.
Women satisfied
The blockchain technologies, complementary currencies and credit-creating initiatives we support all have this in common:
They empower people to live by their highest potential.
Connected Europe
In the past decade alone, hundreds of complimentary currencies have emerged.
Often grassroots and focused on the local economy, they may incentivize solidarity, collaboration, and social equity.
Here is the perfect nexus for those who create, implement, and use heart-based currencies.
Box of treasures
Icons of currencies
Brixton Pound
Sol Violette
Sol Violette
Any currency can be used for a good purpose...
Here are some we support:
🗺 Toulouse, France
💰 Cryptocurrency for the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation
🗺 South Dakota-Nebraska border
⚖️ Solidarity, collaboration & equity
💰 Convertible currency
🤲🏼 Environmental & social causes
💰 Cryptocurrency
🤲🏼 Underfunded Global South projects
⚖️ Cooperation & a fair economy
Brixton Pound
🗺 Brixton – London, UK
💰 Convertible currency
🤲🏼 Local businesses & traders
⚖️ Personal relationships & empowerment
⛓ Cooperativa Integral Catalana
🤲🏼 Impoverished tribe members
⚖️ Economic self-determination
Flower arrangements
Which forms of exchange can benefit your lifestyle, interests, and career?
There is a plethora of opportunities – let's find the perfect one for you!
Strengthening complementary currencies
Together, we develop formulas for creating and strengthening alternative currencies.

What we
work towards

Coin stacks

Empowering heart-centered currencies

From new blockchain-based technologies that focus on collaboration, to alternative currencies and value systems that benefit local trade and pay-it-forward programs, there are many models for promoting cooperation and acts of kindness. But many of these initiatives remain just that – initiatives – and fail to get wide-spread adoption, because they work in isolation of each other. This platform looks at the various benefits and pitfalls, the reach and the potential for each worthy model, until we find the best way to unify and consolidate their approaches.


Models appropriate for you

Adopting new ways of dealing with money can be exciting, and intimidating too. Which systems are appropriate for your lifestyle, your projects and career? Is it the right time in your life to embrace creative forms of exchange? Depending on where you live, what you do and what you could use support with, new ways of measuring and exchanging value could be very beneficial. It can also bring a new-found sense of purpose, and connect you with people you'd really want to surround yourself with.

Bouncing cash

Creating a love-based economy

Most economic systems have their roots in the fear of scarcity. It takes an entirely different mindset, intention and approach to create a system based on love and prosperity for all. Fortunately, the time is ripe to create new currencies and economic paradigms, using blockchain technologies and the expertise and goodwill of countless individuals yearning for a better world. This platform is a lab stocked with all the tools we need to create and step into a new reality.

Value Lovin Community

Join us on an adventure.

Communities with a purpose transforming the world.

We're lovin it. You will too.

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Alternative currency systems based on cooperation and kindness.